Thursday, April 09, 2009

Foreign Soul

It is very difficult to write in a language that is not yours. Everyday I try to write something in here, but it barely works. While writting in Portuguese is as easy as a breeze, if I try to translate those posts in here they can hardly work the same way. In Portuguese I have my soul, I know how people will perceive what I am saying or trying to say between the lines? How can I achieve this in a different language? I don't think it is possible.

In English I feel there is a part of me missing. It is hard not to feel comfortable making a joke or expressing inner feelings. I've been many times through situations where people took me as stupid only because I have an accent, and totally disqualify any opinion of mine because I am a foreigner. All my curiosity and intelect diminished because there are no intelectual pairs to share a thought with.

Being a foreigner meant that many times I had to deal with shallow people of disposable conversations. Everything would be ok around a pint of beer at the pub, but I mainly missed those afternoons sitting at the beach discussing the meaning of our lives. That fullfilment is missing and makes me feel opressed at times. What to do in a foreign land?


1 comment:

Miriam said...

Oi Vitória!
Te entendo completamente, também me sinto assim... se expressar em outro idioma não é fácil, por mais que se fale fluentemente. To passando agora tudo que já passei em Londres, acabei de me mudar para Paris, vim com meu marido, que é francês. Tô estudando, mas não falo nada ainda... e sempre fico com aquele "feeling" de que qdo tento falar com as pessoas, elas estão achando que eu tenho algum atraso mental... mas td bem, pelo menos aprendemos novas línguas e culturas, isso já é bem válido!
Adorei teu blog!
Um beijo
PS: Eu tenho um tbém, dá uma passadinha lá:


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