Venice has been my favourite city for many years. It is a different city, not a "live" one, but something that exists as an "open air wrecked museum". The city life is not apparent to non-Venitians. Don't get me wrong, it is beautiful, the architecture is amazing. I am a Town Planner with years of study of Urban History and World History. I can see past the "immediate". I am aware of the wealth of medieval Venice and how it produced what is still the main beauty of the city today. This is the beauty I see.
Inspite of all that, and of having lived 15 min away from Venice for a year, visiting the islands every other week, I still get lost there. I could never get back to some shop I liked or find ever again some osteria where I ate something amazing one day. Venice is a maze. I don't know how to get to where I want if not by boat or with a guide. I know little about specific buildings, apart from the obvious, as I really never had enough time to study them in detail.
All that is being said because I lived in the town of Treviso and I got to know it well. It is way smaller than Venice, one of the few walled medieval towns where gates, walls and canals are still somehow intact. I had many problems with Italy while I lived there, but I fell in love with Treviso the minute I put my feet there for the first time. Apparently this becomes evident while I am showing Treviso around to people. After spending a day in Treviso and a day in Venice, my lovely husband told me Treviso is his favourite spot in our trip... And by the pictures he took in both places, it shows through.
In Treviso:
I think Venice is absolutely beautiful. We spent a week there and did some very interesting tours. There is no where in the world that is as unique as Venice - and the food was totally divine! I love your blog and will be following your travels.
I am really happy that you have described such warm feelings for Treviso.
I love Treviso and miss many things from there. It would be really great if I could live there again one day.
Interesting review in my opinion. I'm glad you had so much fun visiting Venice.
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